Welke soort plantenvoeding is het beste?

What kind of plant food is best?

The shelves in a plant store are often full of all kinds of plant food. But which one is suitable for you, and your way of caring for plants, is no...
Is een Hoya (wasbloem) makkelijk om te verzorgen?

Is a Hoya (wax flower) easy to care for?

Hoya is a genus of houseplants. They are known for the unusual clusters of flowers they can get. Many species of Hoyas have a pleasant fragrance wh...
Planten stekken en baby planten

Plant cuttings and baby plants

Buying a nice big plant can be a godsend when you want to immediately fill your urban jungle. But there is also much to be said about watching them...
De prachtige Paphiopedilum sanderianum: Extreem lange kronkelende petalen

The beautiful Paphiopedilum sanderianum: Extremely long sinuous petals

Many collectors of separately shaped tropical orchids, love the unusual appearance of the Paphiopedilum sanderianum. With its unusual petals that c...
Wat zijn juweel orchideeën?

What are jewel orchids?

This little plant has gained quite a bit of popularity in recent years, capturing the hearts of many a plant lover. Despite the fact that jewel orc...
Hoe verzorg ik een Cattleya orchidee?

How do I care for a Cattleya orchid?

Cattleyas often have very beautiful and striking flowers. In Europe's climate, Cattleyas are mainly kept as houseplants. They are native to the rai...
Variegataplanten verzorgen

Taking care of variegated plants

A few years ago, the popularity of variegated patterned plants increased extremely. Variegated plants in particular are still very much in demand a...
Ikea greenhouse cabinet en verticale tuinen

Ikea greenhouse cabinet and vertical gardens

Lately there have been new planting trends surfaced, which of course we also keep a close eye on. For example, more and more people are vertical ga...
Hoe verzorg ik een Paphiopedilum (venusschoen)?

How do I care for a Paphiopedilum (venus shoe)?

A Paphiopedilum is very similar to a Phalaenopsis. The leaves also grow in rows of 2. However, a very different flower grows from it and the leaves...
Variegata gekte: De zoektocht naar bijzondere soorten zeldzame planten blijft

Variegata madness: The search for unusual species of rare plants continues

Around 2020/2021, the plant world suddenly turned upside down. We could no longer go outside, so a lot of vacation money was spent on new or old ho...
Monstera deliciosa en borsigiana zijn hetzelfde!

Monstera deliciosa and borsigiana are the same thing!

The Monstera deliciosa and the Borsigiana are both popular houseplants and belong to the Araceae family. Although some people think there are diffe...
Is een orchidee giftig voor katten? Alles wat je moet weten!

Is an orchid poisonous to cats? Everything you need to know!

Welcome, animal lovers and plant lovers! If you have both cats and plants at home, you may be wondering if the two can safely live together. Specif...

Featured products

Aerangis rhodostictaAerangis rhodosticta
Aerangis rhodosticta
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Phalaenopsis (amabilis x tetraspis C1) x tetraspis C1
Sale priceFrom €26,95 Regular price€29,95
Dendrobium cuthbersonii "Bicolor" "Big"
Dendrobium cuthbersonii "Bicolor" "Big"
Sale price€31,45 Regular price€34,95