Herinnering: Bouw plantenvoeding af in de herfst en winter!

Reminder: Build off plant nutrition in the fall and winter!

Fall has begun and that means the time has come to phase out houseplant nutrition. Days are getting shorter and plants are slowly entering dormancy...
Herinnering: Bouw plantenvoeding af in de herfst en winter!

Reminder: Build off plant nutrition in the fall and winter!

Fall has begun and that means the time has come to phase out houseplant nutrition. Days are getting shorter and plants are slowly entering dormancy...
Kun je een orchidee stekken, zoals een tropische kamerplant?

Can you propagate an orchid like a tropical houseplant?

Many tropical plants are easy to take cuttings from, but with orchids it is soon a different story. Orchids are epiphytic plants. That means they o...
Beallara "Tahoma Glacier" white flowers with bright pink spots

Care of the Beallara orchid

An orchid that is not much known to novice plant lovers, but deserves attention, is the Beallara orchid (Bllra.). This orchid genus evolved from a ...
Terugblik: De rondleidingen in de orchideeënkwekerij Claessen in Limburg

Retrospective: The tours of the orchid nursery Claessen in Limburg

Our orchid nursery has been a household name in the southern Netherlands since 2005. Before we started focusing primarily on the international mark...
Hoe voorkom ik dat mijn kamerplanten te groot worden?

How do I keep my houseplants from getting too big?

Especially during the growing season, houseplants often get bigger quickly. Many Philodendrons and Monsteras grow incredibly fast during the growin...
De harmonie van de natuur: Tropische planten en de gulden snede

Nature's harmony: Tropical plants and the golden ratio

The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio of about 1:1.618. It is known for its aesthetic value and harmonious properties. The proportions of the go...
Kamerplanten in foto's om huis beter te verkopen

Houseplants in photos to sell house better

That it is more difficult to buy a house in these times is undeniable. So people who already own a house and plan to move benefit from presenting t...
Hoe filter ik regenwater voor de moeilijkste orchideeënsoorten?

How do I filter rainwater for the most difficult orchid species?

Rainwater is one of the cleanest compositions of water for houseplants. It is cleaner than tap water, and because tropical plants are often sensiti...
Exclusieve exotische planten en orchideeën voor de botanische tuin

Exclusive exotic plants and orchids for botanical garden

For several years now, more and more people have been turning their conservatory, garage, living room or garden greenhouse into a beautiful botanic...
De grappige correlatie tussen orchideeën en gifkikkers in de natuur

Nature's funny correlation between orchids and poison frogs

Anyone who occasionally watches nature documentaries has heard of a poison frog at some point. These brightly colored frogs belong to the amphibian...
Yellow Cattleya orchid with big flower and orange lip

Orchid nutrition: important minerals for orchid growth

Many low-quality orchid feeds contain only the minerals Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). This is stated in an NPK ratio on the packa...
Hoe kom ik van paddenstoelen in mijn potgrond af?

How do I get rid of mushrooms in my potting soil?

Mushrooms in the potting soil usually only occur under certain conditions. We are happy to explain the steps you can take to quickly get rid of mus...
Effect van tropische planten in jouw studiekamer

Effect of tropical plants in your study room

The new school year is almost upon us. That means getting new books, notebooks, pens and other office supplies in order to get ahead next year. But...

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