
Bijzondere terrarium planten

Special terrarium plants

120 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 120 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 120 products
Syngonium scrambled eggs
Syngonium scrambled eggs
Sale price€39,95
Schoenorchis fragransSchoenorchis fragrans
Schoenorchis fragrans
Sale priceFrom €21,95
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Platycerium madagascariense "Baby Plant"
Aerangis punctata
Aerangis punctata
Sale priceFrom €23,95
Bulbophyllum phalaenopsisBulbophyllum phalaenopsis
Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis
Sale price€32,95
Aerangis fastuosaAerangis fastuosa
Aerangis fastuosa
Sale price€21,95
Syngonium Red Spot Tricolor (2 plants in 1 pot)Syngonium Red Spot Tricolor (2 plants in 1 pot)
Bulbophyllum polliculosumBulbophyllum polliculosum
Bulbophyllum polliculosum
Sale priceFrom €34,95
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Aerangis articulataAerangis articulata
Aerangis articulata
Sale price€21,95
Aerangis rhodostictaAerangis rhodosticta
Aerangis rhodosticta
Sale price€34,95
Angraecum magdalenae
Angraecum magdalenae
Sale price€29,95
Aerangis kirkii
Aerangis kirkii
Sale price€26,95
Bulbophyllum medusaeBulbophyllum medusae
Bulbophyllum medusae
Sale priceFrom €49,95
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Bulbophyllum medusae "Small"Bulbophyllum medusae "Small"
Bulbophyllum medusae "Small"
Sale priceFrom €32,95
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Angraecum didieriAngraecum didieri
Angraecum didieri
Sale priceFrom €29,95
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Monstera Thai Constellation "Baby Plant"Monstera Thai Constellation "Baby Plant"
Bulbophyllum bolsteri
Bulbophyllum bolsteri
Sale price€29,95
Dracula vampira (aaporchidee)
Dracula vampira (aaporchidee)
Sale priceFrom €43,95
Schoenorchis seidenfadeniiSchoenorchis seidenfadenii
Schoenorchis seidenfadenii
Sale priceFrom €21,95
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Bulbophyllum frostiiBulbophyllum frostii
Bulbophyllum frostii
Sale price€21,95
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Aerangis calanthaAerangis calantha
Aerangis calantha
Sale price€21,95
Bulbophyllum gracillimumBulbophyllum gracillimum
Bulbophyllum gracillimum
Sale priceFrom €32,95

Recent bekeken

Terrarium splendor: A wealth of plants in combination with the love of animals

Warning: For those who are planning to add plants to their terrarium in which animals stay, first consult your veterinarian to verify whether the chosen plants are suitable. We do not offer advice in this area, since our expertise is limited to the needs of plants and not (exotic) animals.

Terrariums: a magically small universe for plant lovers

  1. Beautiful terrarium worlds: Terrariums form a fascinating decor in which you can create a lush jungle with various tropical house plants and orchids. A visual festival in an enclosed environment.
  2. Adjustment to specific needs: Plants with special needs also find their place in terrariums, where the conditions can be tailor -made for a varied green life.

Animals and plants in harmony: Careful consultation required

  1. Advice for animal welfare: When merging animals and plants in a terrarium, expert advice is crucial. Consult your veterinarian to ensure that the chosen plants do not jeopardize the health and safety of the animals.

Terrarium diversity: from miniature orchids to tied flowering luxury

  1. Miniature Orchids: In terrariums, the green splendor does not have to be limited to house plants. Simply add miniature orchids that flourish in the prevailing circumstances, often tied up to pieces of wood for a natural -looking presentation.
  2. Inspiration and agreements: Do you want more inspiration and expert advice? Make an appointment through our customer service to visit our store and discover which plants are suitable for your terrarium or paludarium.

Claessen Orchids and Plants: From Hobby to Blooming company

  1. History: The origin of Claessen Orchids and Plants finds its roots in the personal hobby of the owner. What started as a hobby has grown into one Blooming Company that shares the splendor of orchids and plants with enthusiastic customers.

Enter the enchanting world of terrariums, where plants and animals can live together in harmony. For further exploration and advice, we would like to invite you to make an appointment in our store through customer service. A beautiful world is waiting for you, in which the passion for orchids and plants merges with the love for nature.

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