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The Cycnoches is a orchid genus which is part of the subtribus Catasetinae, which includes genera such as the Catasetum and the Mormodes. The Cycnoches often has distinctive flowers which are large, fragrant and dramatic. Many species also have male and female flowers. They are epiphytic orchids with sturdy pseudobulbs. Popular species include Cycnoches cooperi, Cycnoches Wine Delight, Cycnoches chlorochilon and Cycnoches warszewiczii. Usually we especially have the Wine Delight in our assortment because of its beautiful red flowers. The orchid is relatively easy with shipping and recovers quickly if allowed to acclimate in a stable climate.
The Cycnoches originates from Central and South America. Especially in Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia many species are found.
During growth this species needs more water. Furthermore the soil is allowed to dry up almost completely between waterings to prevent rotting. Also take care of high humidity, air movement, lots of indirect sunlight and stable warm temperatures. The Cycnoches will then richly reward you.