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The Diplocaulobium is a orchid genus that is endemic in Southeast Asia and New Guinea. A few species are native to northern Australia and the islands of the South Pacific. The flowers of the Diplocaulobium are often small, but very conspicuous. The lip of the flower is usually bright in color. What makes the Diplocaulobium a very interesting orchid for enthusiasts is the distinct reaction of the flower to temperature or daytime. Species from this genus are particularly epiphytic and they have short pseudobulbs with long, thin leaves. These orchids are mainly found at high altitudes in humid, tropical forests. They like high humidity and a night temperature that is a few degrees lower than the daytime temperature. Popular species, of which we regularly find one in our assortment are Diplocaulobium arachnites, Diplocaulobium abbreviatum and the Diplocaulobium chrysotropis.