Groeilampen voor de kortere dagen

Toward the end of the year, the days get shorter again. Most tropical houseplants are not so used to that. The further from the equator, the shorter the days get in winter. It can help a lot with the health and growth of houseplants to place a grow light in the room. In what ways this is, we would like to briefly explain to you.

Light deficiency compensation

Light is what a plant needs for growth and health. Because the days are shorter in winter, they can spend less time on photosynthesis. So they will be less likely to get energy to make important substances.

Temperature control

Many houseplants do better at higher temperatures. Some grow lights give off heat in addition to a special light spectrum to stimulate growth. This can increase the ambient temperature around the plants. Especially in greenhouses or indoor gardens, therefore, you can often find these types of lamps.

Ensuring health

Sufficient light during the shorter days by means of a grow light have another advantage. Namely, it can provide a boost in the health of the plant. Because the plant has more energy, it can become less susceptible to diseases and pests. 

Light spectrum

There are several types of lights on the market that offer different color spectrums. Make sure, especially with plants with variegata, that you are careful to choose the right spectrum and that the lamp is not too strong or too close to the plant. In fact, grow lights can also cause damage to the plant if used incorrectly. 

In short, grow lights offer an excellent solution for the shorter days in the winter period for indoor plants. But keep paying attention to what your particular plant needs and it will not yet be able to replace natural daylight. 
