Tuincentrum Limburg

Garden Center Limburg

Browsing in a garden center looking for new plants for your room or garden is a fun weekend activity. But if you are a true lover of the special an...
Tuincentrum Limburg

Garden Center Limburg

Browsing in a garden center looking for new plants for your room or garden is a fun weekend activity. But if you are a true lover of the special an...
5 tips om jouw kamerplanten in leven te houden tijdens jouw vakantie!

5 tips to keep your houseplants alive during your vacation!

Are you already planning your vacation, but worried about your houseplants while you're away? Don't worry, because with these tips you will travel ...
Het tropische regenwoud

The tropical rainforest

South America is home to one of the most beautiful tropical rainforests in the world. With a great variety of flora and fauna, we find here one of ...
Paddenstoelen in de potgrond

Mushrooms in the potting soil

It's often a bit of a shock for an unwitting plant owner when a mushroom spontaneously grows in the potting soil of a houseplant. The first reactio...
Hoe kan ik mijn orchidee het beste watergeven?

What is the best way to water my orchid?

Many people think that keeping orchids is pretty simple. Yet there is some work involved if you want to properly water an orchid alone. For example...
Wat zijn Philodendron planten?

What are Philodendron plants?

The Philodendron is an easy, air-purifying plant and comes in many shapes and sizes. There are as many as hundreds of species of Philodendrons. Bec...
Hoe herken ik een echte Philodendron Spiritus Sancti, atabapoense en een billietiae?

How do I recognize a true Philodendron Spiritus Sancti, atabapoense and a billietiae?

We get the question of how to tell that a Spiritus Sancti plant is genuine very regularly. Once you have looked at both older and younger plants of...
Philodendron polypodioides tortum?!

Philodendron polypodioides tortum?!

Lately we have been seeing more and more confusing reports about the Philodendron polypodioides. This is a breathtaking plant with beautiful, slend...
Welke soort plantenvoeding is het beste?

What kind of plant food is best?

The shelves in a plant store are often full of all kinds of plant food. But which one is suitable for you, and your way of caring for plants, is no...
Is een Hoya (wasbloem) makkelijk om te verzorgen?

Is a Hoya (wax flower) easy to care for?

Hoya is a genus of houseplants. They are known for the unusual clusters of flowers they can get. Many species of Hoyas have a pleasant fragrance wh...
Tropische planten in de badkamer plaatsen: Inspiratie en tips

Placing tropical plants in the bathroom: Inspiration and tips

Many houseplants are placed in the living room by default, because it is often easy to adjust the climate here. However, it is often also quite eas...
Stoere planten voor vaderdag

Tough plants for father's day

Father's Day is right around the corner. And coming up with a gift can sometimes be difficult. Especially if the garden is already full of beautifu...
Kracht van de zomerzon: Kamerplanten op het zuiden

Power of summer sun: South-facing houseplants

The longest day of the year in terms of sunlight is already upon us. This means that the strength of the sun is also increasing tremendously on war...

Featured products

Aerangis rhodostictaAerangis rhodosticta
Aerangis rhodosticta
Sale price€31,45 Regular price€34,95
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Phalaenopsis (amabilis x tetraspis C1) x tetraspis C1
Sale priceFrom €26,95 Regular price€29,95
Dendrobium cuthbersonii "Bicolor" "Big"
Dendrobium cuthbersonii "Bicolor" "Big"
Sale price€31,45 Regular price€34,95