
bureau met tropische planten back to school

Back to school plants

376 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 376 products

Especially for students and students we have a separate collection page with tropical To organize your study room or student home nice and sustainable and green. 

Why are house plants needed in the student room?

House plants can be cared for indoors And ensure a better climate in the room. Moreover, a houseplant ensures that you can study better. A number of studies clearly show that house plants do not only provide one better air quality, but also for a reduction in stress. The mindfulness that you need to be able to perform can therefore come through, among other things, keeping house plants in your study space.

Why would you choose the plants on this page?

On this page there are plants that have been grown by us and other experienced growers. This makes you certainly of good quality and an environmentally conscious choice through us as green as possible by us. In addition, we are an expert in special and rare houseplants And have an extremely extensive range. This way you can always choose something unique that suits your personality or your interior. 

Showing 1 - 24 of 376 products
Monstera deliciosa Variegata alboMonstera deliciosa Variegata albo
Philodendron Florida Beauty (2/3 leaves)Philodendron Florida Beauty (2/3 leaves)
Hoya clemensiorum (2 Leaves)Hoya clemensiorum (2 Leaves)
Hoya clemensiorum (2 Leaves)
Sale price€27,95
Hoya Thomsonii (3-5 Leaves) Tropische PlantHoya Thomsonii (3-5 Leaves) Tropische Plant
Hoya thomsonii (3-5 Leaves)
Sale price€17,95
Syngonium scrambled eggs
Syngonium scrambled eggs
Sale price€39,95
Monstera peru variegataMonstera peru variegata
Monstera peru variegata
Sale price€34,95
Monstera Thai Constellation (14 cm pot)Monstera Thai Constellation (14 cm pot)
Save €22,00
Aglaonema Pictum TricolorAglaonema Pictum Tricolor
Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor
Sale priceFrom €27,95 Regular price€49,95
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Platycerium ridleyiPlatycerium ridleyi
Platycerium ridleyi
Sale price€69,95
Hoya Polyneura Variegated (Fish-Tail Hoya)Hoya Polyneura Variegated (Fish-Tail Hoya)
Philodendron patriciae ''Small Leaves''Philodendron patriciae ''Small Leaves''
Monstera minima variegated albo (5-6 leaves)Monstera minima variegated albo (5-6 leaves)
Hoya mitrataHoya mitrata
Hoya mitrata
Sale price€26,95
Monstera adansonii variegated Albo (3/4 Leaves)Monstera adansonii variegated Albo (3/4 Leaves)
Platycerium madagascariense "Baby Plant"
Philodendron "Golden Dragon" Variegata/GREENPhilodendron "Golden Dragon" Variegata/GREEN
Monstera adansonii variegated aurea (4-6 Leaves)Monstera adansonii variegated aurea (4-6 Leaves)
Philodendron red andersonPhilodendron red anderson
Philodendron red anderson
Sale price€37,95
Philodendron strawberry shake (Selection 1)Philodendron strawberry shake (Selection 1)
Alocasia Green Dragon 'variegata aurea' (eitjes, knolletjes)Alocasia Green Dragon 'variegata aurea' (eitjes, knolletjes)
Save €10,00
Hoya undulata (3-4 Leaves)Hoya undulata (3-4 Leaves)
Hoya undulata (3-4 Leaves)
Sale price€69,95 Regular price€79,95

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